Hello friends welcome to my blog and this post.In my earlier posts I explained about the origin of universe by describing two theories BIG BANG and STEADY STATE THEORY . Both the theories explained the birth of universe in different ways but apart from these theories there is another theory which explains the birth of universe Plasma Universe and Little Bangs.So lets begin the space tour.....
After the proposal of big bang and steady state theory maximum people were convinced with either big bang or with steady state theory but then also some astronomers were not convinced with these theories , they were formulating other views on the creation of universe.They were trying to predict another theories which can explain the birth of universe , a theory different from the other two theories which could explain the birth of universe more accurately.
One model came from Nobel laureate Hanes Alfven , a Swedish plasma physicist , called the Plasma Universe. He stated that 99 % of the observable Universe (including stars) is made up of plasma .
Let me explain what is plasma
"Plasma , is an ionised gas which conducts electricity , which is sometime called the fourth state of matter"
The theory stated that Big Bang never happened , it is a fake theory , and the universe is criss crossed by gigantic electric currents and huge magnetic fields.It states that universe does not have any beggining and does not have an ending , it had existed forever , and the main force in which the universe is chiefly influence is the electromagnetic force.

According to plasma universe galaxies come together very slowly over a much greater time span than in big bang theory . approximately 100 billion years.There are very less evidence for this theory from the observable sky.Most of the evidence comes from laboratory experiments.There are computerized simulation of plasma which is subjected to high energy fields provides some patterns which look like something similar to galaxies.
As their are less people who believe on this theory but then also this theory is gaining popularity in the minds if young astronomers who believes in pracitcal more than mathematical proofs.
There are another group of astrnomers who are not satisfied with the ablove theory and are developing another steady state theory which is conformed by astronomical observations.This observation also suggeats that universe had no end and no beginning.It had existed forever and had look like same as it is looking in the present .
Matter is continuously created everywhere by some "little bangs" which is associated with the mystery of quasars .
Firs let me explain what is quasar.....

This object has a large redshift ,which indicates huge distance between the object and us.Today ti si thought that quasar is one form of active galactic nucleus (AGN)
Back to little bangs...
So the theory explains that galaxies are forming at a rate which is determined by the pace at which the universe expands.Means as the universe is expanding new galaxies are forming with the same rate.They can also explain cosmic background radiation .They predict that these are coming from cloud of tiny iron particles.
Thank you for this wonderful blog! I have a lots of learn! Godblessed!