Tuesday, 17 January 2017

What is Steady State Theory


Hello friends welcome to my blog Exploring Cosmos.This is my second post on the birth of universe.In the first post of my blog , I have discussed about BIG BANG THEORY which describes the birth , and which is the most acceptable theory on the origin universe.I described all the facts related to big bang , and the process of big bang . And today I will discuss about another important theory related to the birth of universe that is STEADY STATE THEORY . So lets begin..


As I have told you about Big Bang , that universe was originated through  a cosmic explosion which occurred in a ball of matter and energy , but big bang is not only the theory concerning our universe's origin.In 1940 , a competing hypothesis arose , called STEADY STATE THEORY. This idea was proposed because at that time there were not enough information to test big bang.

"It stated that the universe had remained same , from the time it was created to the present day . It states that the stars , galaxies and planets may change , but the universe had remained the same."

British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle and many others argued that the universe was only uniform in space  and this idea was called as COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE . This theory does not depend on a specific event like big bang.The universe does not have a start and an end . It is infinite.

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Big bang predicts that the galaxies , stars are receding away from each other with a very high speed and the space is becoming emptier continuosly  , but steady state theory predicts that universe in continuously  expanding but at the same time new matter is created continuously which is made up of hydrogen atom which come together to form new stars bet the receding galaxies and the density of universe remains constant.


As the theory is been accepted for some years and there were many proofs for the theory to be true there were many restrictions to the theory.Continuous creation of matter form empty space has met with a contradiction , because it violates the fundamental law of physics that is "the conservation of matter " it states that matter cannot be created nor be destroyed "but steady state violates this law , how can something be created from nothing..

But astronomers have found the creation of matter , but the matter found is so small  , about one atom every billion years for every several cubic feet of space.There is another restrictions that if matter is continuously created everywhere , then the average age of stars in any section should be the same.But this is not found to be true.The age of stars can be calculated by measuring the distance of the stars from earth.The farther the star is , it has taken light from the star to travel across the space and reach the earth. It means the star which are farthest are the oldest.

The another restriction is that this theory could not explain the cause of cosmic microwave radiations.And therefore most of the astronomers feel this theory wrong.

So that was all about steady state theory , another explanation to the birth of universe , apart from big bang . I hope this blog helped you.For more post follow the blog and leave comments for any other queries related to astronomy.


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